Whole Home Remodeling – Is It For You?

You see your neighbors remodeling their homes. You see the hundreds of websites trumpeting the value of remodeled bathrooms, updated kitchens and ideas for home renovations. You ask, is whole home remodeling for you?

There’s only one person who can answer that question. It’s you. Here are a few things to consider before you answer:

  • What is your plan for your current home? Will you stay in it for 10 years, five years or three? Is it just a stepping stone to a bigger home in a better neighborhood, or is it a place where you plan to have and raise your children and retire to later in life? If you plan on staying for the long haul, and the home doesn’t have all of the things you think you’ll need, remodeling might be the answer.
  • Is your kitchen up to date? Are your bathrooms up to date? Does the home have the open, airy space that allows interaction and communication between family members or is it closed in with many box-like rooms? If you’re staying in your home for any length of time, you should think about remodeling the space so it’s both functional and updated for your family’s needs. Do it early enough so everyone can enjoy it.
  • Where do you want to invest your treasure? Would you feel good about putting your hard-earned cash into a home remodel, or would you rather travel, have a new car or get a beach house? If you see the value in investing in remodeling, then you should consider it sooner rather than later.
  • Do you want to age in place instead of downsizing or moving to a retirement community? If so, do you have a first floor master bedroom, easily accessible bathrooms, wide hallways and doorways and accessible kitchen counters and appliances? If not, that’s a signal to remodel.

Now that you’ve decided whether or not you have good reason for a whole-home remodel, talk to a professional builder about your ideas. See if they’re viable. Investigate how the builder would operate while you’re remodeling and living in the house. Be honest with yourself – a whole house remodel is a big inconvenience while it’s happening. Can you tolerate it with the end product in mind? If you work with the right builder, both the process and the finished product should be worth it.