The Addition Condition: Reasons A Kitchen Addition Will Work for You

There are many reasons to consider undertaking a kitchen addition or remodel, but sometimes the conditions need to be just right.  The top 10 conditions for an addition: 

10:  You’re not planning to move any time soon, but if you were, you’re sure the next owners will have an extended family situation that requires a bigger kitchen.

9:  You have more friends in Fairfax, Alexandria and Arlington who don’t have kitchen additions, so you have to do the entertaining.  You realize the kitchen is the heart of the entertainment area in a home.

8:  You’re always one to keep up with current trends, and a kitchen addition would give you the informal comfort zone around the kitchen so that you can still be in the center of activity while you are cooking.

7:  If you have to cook and do chores, you want to be able to do it with kids and friends at hand, so you need a bigger kitchen space.

6:  You’d like to be able to open the refrigerator door and not cool down the entire room.

5:  You’re tired of doing all the work, but your kitchen is so small it can’t accommodate any other chefs.

4:  Your inner Julia Child can only come out if you change the layout of your kitchen to include more counter space and an actual double oven.

3:  The bargains from the local warehouse store are impeding traffic flow through the hallway – you need a kitchen pantry!

2:  The yellow linoleum floor and green Formica counter tops are simply out of style.

And the number one kitchen addition condition:  The pizza or Chinese take-out places in Fairfax, Alexandria and Arlington will not go out of business if you don’t continue to call them three nights a week!