Puttin’ On the Ritz

What do you want to look like when you put your house on in the morning?  Seems odd, but that’s what we do every day.  We choose the style of home we like, we create a mood with each room, and our homes reflect our personalities.  When we wake up every morning, a comfortable room can make our day.  Just like we accessorize clothing with belts, watches, jewelry or scarves to accomplish a mood or certain look, we put our houses on every morning, too.  

While you might be able to change accessories in your décor with the seasons, the accessories you choose in the building or remodeling phase are more permanent and will set the tone for your everyday style.  Your choices for a kitchen remodel or a bathroom remodel can be traditional or contemporary, country or eclectic.  Above all, they should be functional for your lifestyle and comfortably reflect your fashion style.  Accessories are more than faucets and cabinet handles.  The choices have grown to include more than just a chrome finish or a push-handle.  The color choices and styles are endless, and there will always be something you could have used in addition to what you choose.  Ask your custom remodeling contractor for advice and recommendations.  Make sure he knows your lifestyle and needs and the reasons for your remodeling effort.  

Other accessories that are often overlooked are good exhaust fans.  In a kitchen remodel, a good hood fan will be separate from any appliance and will actually serve to ventilate the room and draw smoke out.  In a bathroom, a fan is a “must” for ventilating and preventing moisture build-up.  Space-saving accessories like wall-hung soap dispensers and organizers, built-in drawer organizers and built-in recycling bins are also great additions to your home addition.