Does Who You Know Make Your Remodeling Job Easier?

When clients ask if Uncle Fred, the painter, or cousin Arnold, the carpet layer, can provide their respective services for the custom remodeled master suite or the new family room addition, we’ll usually agree, with some parameters.  If you want to involve a subcontractor who has previously done good work in your home, ask your builder.  Depending on the people and the task, most professional remodelers will agree to work with you, provided it doesn’t hinder their completion of the job.  

For example, these subcontractors need to work within the remodeling schedule.  Sometimes it can save the homeowner money and it saves the builder time and labor.  Painting is a great example, because it is labor intensive and expensive.  But it also must be done in a timely fashion so it doesn’t cause a set-back in the floor installation and all subsequent work.  

All skilled subcontractors apply for and acquire their own permits, so your subcontractors would be expected to do the same.  That subcontractor is also responsible for the work being up to code.  These parameters should be clearly stated in the contract with the custom remodeler.  If you’re using your own subcontractors, you lose the protection of the general contractor for that particular service.  If everyone works with the same understanding, it can be a win-win situation.  You’ll save some money, your contractor saves some time and has a satisfied client, and Uncle Fred gets a job.  But if something goes wrong, the general contractor is not liable for it – you’ll need to pursue it with Uncle Fred.