Custom Building Where “Customization” Actually Means Personal

The latest buzzword in appliances and cabinetry seems to be “custom.”   You can retrofit your kitchen with “custom” cabinetry.  These kitchen re-designers will provide “custom” appliances.  But what does it really mean?  

Before you order anything “custom” for your kitchen, talk to a custom builder or remodeler.  If you think that’s out of your budget range, think about how far out of budget you’ll be if you order something that turns out to be wrong.  Think about the hours you’ll spend on a do-it-yourself project that turns into a huge headache.  Check your assumptions at the door.  Before embarking on a kitchen project on your own or trying to bring in a variety of different “specialists,” research the custom remodeling industry.  Find a few good builders to interview.  Explain what you want.  A good custom remodeler will ask how you currently use the space and how you want to use it in the future.  He’ll make an effort to understand what you want, then give you an accurate cost for creating the big picture — your true custom kitchen.  In addition, he’ll tell you when something won’t work and give you alternative ideas to consider.  You’ll end up with a good plan, then you can make your decisions on how you’ll spend your hard-earned money.  

A custom remodeler knows the ins and outs of construction and general contracting.  He is familiar with building codes and safety standards.  He won’t put a cooktop next to a wood cabinet just because that’s where you wanted it.  He will have reputable specialists in plumbing, electrical work, cabinetry and design, and he’ll assemble a team of people who will work on your remodeling effort and make sure it is personalized for you.  

He’ll be responsible for making sure the job turns out to your satisfaction.  In the long run, you can have just “custom” appliances or kitchen cabinets, or you can have a custom kitchen that fits your family’s lifestyle like a glove.